Siapa bilang kelinci bersahabat dekat dengan tikus? Yang ada justru tikus memburu anak - anak kelinci dan merupakan hama yang berbahaya untuk kelinci. Mengapa ini terjadi? Selain secara kodrat kelinci adalah hewan buruan (diburu oleh ular, tikus, burung hantu dan sate kelinci), ternyata jika kita liat klasifikasi kelinci dan tikus memiliki perbedaan yang jauh. Kelinci masuk ke dalam ordo Lagomorpha dan tikus masuk dalam ordo rodentia. Apa hubungan antara perbedaan ordo kelinci dan tikus mengakibatkan tikus memburu anakan kelinci??
Sebenarnya tidak ada hubungannya secara langsung sih :p
Apa itu Lagomorpha?
"The lagomorphs are the members of the taxonomic order Lagomorpha, of which there are two families, the Leporidae (hares and rabbits), and the Ochotonidae (pikas). The name of the order is derived from the Greek lagos (λαγος, "hare") and morphē (μορφή, "form")."
Kurang lebih maksudnya begini, Lagomorph merupakan anggota dalam ordo lagomorpha yang terbagi menjadi 2 family, yaitu leporidae (kelinci) dan ochotonidae (pika). Nama - nama tersebut diambil dari bahasa yunani yakni lagos (kelinci) and morphē (bentuk).
Ada definisi lain,mungkin lebih melengkapi, "Lagomorpha (Duplicidentata; infraclass Eutheria, cohort Glires) An order that comprises the families Eurymylidae (extinct forms), Ochotonidae (pikas), and Leporidae (rabbits, cottontails, and hares). The lagomorphs are believed to have diverged from a primitive eutherian stock at the same time as, or soon after, the rodents, so that similarities between lagomorphs and rodents may be very superficial. There is a single record from the late Palaeocene of Mongolia, but the order is not encountered again until the late Eocene, after which it spread widely in N. America and Eurasia. Ancestors of modern lagomorphs, very similar to modern forms, lived during the Oligocene. The incisors grow continually, but to either side of those of the upper jaw there is a small, peg-like incisor that gave the order its old name of Duplicidentata. There is a wide diastema between the incisors and the cheek teeth. The premolars and molars have sharp edges and are used for cutting rather than grinding, the upper teeth biting outside the lower teeth. The nostrils can be closed and are surrounded by naked skin which may be covered by surrounding fur. There are four or five digits on the hind limbs and five on the fore limbs. The tail is reduced and may not be visible externally. Like some rodents, lagomorphs pass food twice through the alimentary canal (caecotrophy)."
Yup, sebenarnya saya sudah cukup bingung untuk mengartikan satu kalimat demi kalimat :D
Kelinci dan tikus, sama - sama mengerat untuk menjaga giginya dari overgrowth, karena seringkali kejadian hobiis sharing kepada kami gigi kelincinya tumbuh panjang sampai melukai mulutnya sendiri, ternyata itu diakibatkan oleh memelihara kelinci dalam kandang besi/lipat yang kelinci tidak mendapat kesempatan untuk mengerat pada sesuatu.
Satu hal lagi, Kelinci tidak memakan tikus tapi tikus memakan anak - anaknya :(
Klo kelinci makan tikus ya kebangetan :D

Sebenarnya tidak ada hubungannya secara langsung sih :p
Apa itu Lagomorpha?
"The lagomorphs are the members of the taxonomic order Lagomorpha, of which there are two families, the Leporidae (hares and rabbits), and the Ochotonidae (pikas). The name of the order is derived from the Greek lagos (λαγος, "hare") and morphē (μορφή, "form")."
Kurang lebih maksudnya begini, Lagomorph merupakan anggota dalam ordo lagomorpha yang terbagi menjadi 2 family, yaitu leporidae (kelinci) dan ochotonidae (pika). Nama - nama tersebut diambil dari bahasa yunani yakni lagos (kelinci) and morphē (bentuk).
Ada definisi lain,mungkin lebih melengkapi, "Lagomorpha (Duplicidentata; infraclass Eutheria, cohort Glires) An order that comprises the families Eurymylidae (extinct forms), Ochotonidae (pikas), and Leporidae (rabbits, cottontails, and hares). The lagomorphs are believed to have diverged from a primitive eutherian stock at the same time as, or soon after, the rodents, so that similarities between lagomorphs and rodents may be very superficial. There is a single record from the late Palaeocene of Mongolia, but the order is not encountered again until the late Eocene, after which it spread widely in N. America and Eurasia. Ancestors of modern lagomorphs, very similar to modern forms, lived during the Oligocene. The incisors grow continually, but to either side of those of the upper jaw there is a small, peg-like incisor that gave the order its old name of Duplicidentata. There is a wide diastema between the incisors and the cheek teeth. The premolars and molars have sharp edges and are used for cutting rather than grinding, the upper teeth biting outside the lower teeth. The nostrils can be closed and are surrounded by naked skin which may be covered by surrounding fur. There are four or five digits on the hind limbs and five on the fore limbs. The tail is reduced and may not be visible externally. Like some rodents, lagomorphs pass food twice through the alimentary canal (caecotrophy)."
Yup, sebenarnya saya sudah cukup bingung untuk mengartikan satu kalimat demi kalimat :D
Kelinci dan tikus, sama - sama mengerat untuk menjaga giginya dari overgrowth, karena seringkali kejadian hobiis sharing kepada kami gigi kelincinya tumbuh panjang sampai melukai mulutnya sendiri, ternyata itu diakibatkan oleh memelihara kelinci dalam kandang besi/lipat yang kelinci tidak mendapat kesempatan untuk mengerat pada sesuatu.
Satu hal lagi, Kelinci tidak memakan tikus tapi tikus memakan anak - anaknya :(
Klo kelinci makan tikus ya kebangetan :D
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